
masculinity: something traditionally considered to be characteristic of a male noun
masculine: manly, male, mannish, the opposite of feminine adjective
  • "Horatio : Now Susie, if you want a masculine scent, I mean masculine, I advise using the tse-tse fly, which lives inside the bull testicle."
  • "Overcoming perceived ideas of what is and is not "masculine" will be a big hurdle, but I'm sure we can do it."
  • "Icarus : Buh, I prefer more masculine, musky odors."
  • "Each billboard emits the scent of Washed Up, described by Kalvin Krime as "a masculine blend of sun, surf, and wetsuits"."
  • "To sell it as a masculine fragrance?"
  • "Patrice is a celebrated figure whose legacy includes popularizing the "ready to wear" style of clothing, as well as imbuing traditionally masculine clothing with a female sensibility."
  • "Masculine. Salty."
  • "In previous ad campaigns, Outback Cologne was marketed as an extremely masculine scent for the "outdoorsy", "rugged", "manly" type."
  • "A man whose long, magnificent hair was a symbol of masculinity and freedom, especially in the Philippines for some reason."

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